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Visit our branches on their designated scavenger hunt day and find the #ILOVEMIDSOUTH sign! Be the first person to find the sign and win a $100 Visa gift card and MidSouth Community swag item*. Each additional person to find the hidden sign will be entered to win a prize on Friday, July 26th.

Scavenger Hunt Schedule:

  • Friday, July 5th – Mercer Branch
  • Tuesday, July 9th – Watson Branch
  • Thursday, July 11th – Bass Branch
  • Monday, July 15th – HWY 96 Branch
  • Wednesday, July 17th – Milledgeville Branch
  • Friday, July 19th – Hartley Bridge Branch
  • Tuesday, July 23rd – Russell Branch
  • Wednesday, July 24th – Lasseter Branch

Each person can only receive one $100 prize and MidSouth Community swag item and is not eligible to collect this at multiple branches.

If you find the sign follow the steps below.

  1. Take a picture of you and the sign together. Be sure all letters and symbols are shown.
  2. Return the sign back to the location where you found it.
  3. Email your image to
  4. Show your image to an employee to confirm if you are the first person to find the sign, and winner of the $100 prize and MidSouth swag item.
*Must be a MidSouth Community FCU member to win.